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COVID-19 Update

Beginning the week of July 27th, the Marion Natural History Museum is ready for a limited reopening. In order to meet state and local board of health safety recommendations the Museum will be following the below guidelines:

  • Access to the museum is by appointment only. Please contact the Director at to schedule a time to visit.
  • Health screening forms must be filled out and submitted by an adult on behalf of each visitor prior to receiving an appointment to visit the museum. Our health screening form is available here.
  • Masks are to be worn by visitors and staff at all times while in the building
  • All equipment surfaces to be cleaned with disinfectant immediately after each participant's use
  • The building we share with the library will remain closed. Therefore, the Museum Director will be present to assist with defined travel routes through the building to the museum
  • Access to the museum is limited to individuals or one family at a time
  • Hand sanitizer will be available outside the museum and near display areas

What is available at the museum?

  • The displays of Native American artifacts, rocks, minerals, butterflies, nature-based artwork from local artists, Bird Island display, birds nests and eggs, examples of scrimshaw and the birds of prey cabinet.
  • Use of our HTC Vive Virtual Reality set is by appointment only and limited to one person in the area at a time. The entire area will be wiped down with sanitizer before and after each use.
  • Use of microscopes is available by appointment only and restricted to one person at a time. The entire area will be wiped down with sanitizer before and after each use.

Unfortunately for the time being there will be no access to the following touch display areas:

  • LEGO table
  • Soil tunnel
  • Puppet theater
  • Dollhouse
  • Touch box
  • Any other touch displays

If you'd like to schedule a visit to the museum please contact the Museum Director at

Thank you for helping us to reopen safely. We're looking forward to seeing you soon!

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